Sunday, April 10, 2011

day trip to yale

Yesterday I went on a day trip to Yale University to visit their British Art Museum. The campus was absolutely gorgeous and historic (the school was founded in 1701!). The exhibit, which sadly didn't let us take pictures, showcased the works of Thomas Lawrence, a painter during the regency period (Jane Austen's time).
This painting was beautiful in person!

After the tour, I took some pictures of the buildings around the campus.

A lot of the houses were probably preserved colonial ones, so it felt like I was in the John Adams mini-series.
This one looked so ancient in design, like from Rome or Greece.
I think Yale was trying to hit every era because this door looks positively medieval.
Postcards from the museum. Sadly, the gift shop didn't offer too many prints from the Thomas Lawrence exhibit.
An adorable little box  I couldn't say no to!
I know I didn't include any of my crafting in this post but that's because I actually worked a few days this week substitute teaching (yay!).  Next post will definitely include some crocheted things I've been working on :)


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! The paintings are awesome!

  2. what an amazing place to visit, i'm quite envious :-)
