Thursday, March 31, 2011

museums and the flower district (which really isn't)

My friend Ellen and I went to the Brooklyn Museum.
It's a lot smaller than the Metropolitan Museum (my favorite)
so it's perfect if you only have a few hours to spare (we both woke up late haha).

I tried to look for a description for this piece but couldn't find one. However, it was beautiful in person!
It reminded me of Marie Antoinette's bed after an all night party. 

We went to the flower district which wasn't too far from Herald Square. Today it's only a block, but in the past it was much longer. It really looked as though a forest took over for a brief bit.

I tried out my new teacup!

I'm working on another afghan. I didn't finish the other (that one is going to take a while),
but I like to take on a few different projects at once so I don't get bored.
Originally it was supposed to be a baby blanket,
but I like the way it's coming out so much I just might keep it!


  1. Seems like a wonderful day! The paintings from the museum are really great and your blanket is beautiful with it's creamy colours!

  2. This teabag-message is so lovely!
