Wednesday, April 27, 2011

easter eggs!

I know it's a little after the fact, but I hope everyone who celebrates it had a Happy Easter!
My sister and I decided to color some eggs and I took a few snapshots during the process. This first picture was taken right after I finished blowing the eggs out of the shell via two tiny holes. I'm pretty sure I lost a few brain cells doing this!

I downloaded the egg making app from Martha Stewart and she suggested making something like this to dry the eggs once they were dyed. Those are regular pins used for sewing.

It actually did a great job holding the eggs.

After we colored all of them...

The finished product! It was a lot of work but my sister and I both loved how it turned out.

Carrot cake made by my sister which was delicious!

Flowers I picked along the road on Easter afternoon.

Happy Easter :)


  1. carrot cake? ooooooh that's my favorite!
    now I want to make one!!
    Lovely eggs, I alsolutely love the one with the bunny :)

  2. Wow, your easter eggs came out great!
