Sunday, October 23, 2011

Now that Laduree opened a store in NYC, holidays are even more special!
Pictured is their Halloween box with raspberry, pistachio, and vanilla macarons. 

My current project: a shawl to go with my Victorian themed Halloween costume.

Yesterday was one of those perfect autumn days so I went to the Cloisters museum
with my friend, Jessica. The museum is in a medieval castle that was created using
parts of castles from Europe. It's amazing!

The museum also has it's own medieval garden.

Last Sunday I went to the Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck, New York.
I don't think I've ever seen so much yarn in my life!

With so many options, choosing yarn to buy was difficult.
In the end I went with these two gorgeous colors.

Pumpkins from the festival. Those are sheep on the center one!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice pictures! Good to have you back in blogworld :)
    Your shawl looks great!
